Know who you owe

People from all sections of our population file bankruptcy for one reason or another – it is increasingly common among the elderly in Florida. So, bankruptcy attorneys see many different types of people. Some of those individuals have a good understanding of who they owe and their financial situation and others not so much and have a few crumbled up bills shoved into a plastic grocery store bag.
When one files for bankruptcy, it is important to list everyone you owe money. The bankruptcy code requires you to list all creditors, even your favorite credit card that you do not owe much, current on payments and want to keep for emergencies.
You can find out who you owe by checking your mailbox and opening your mail on a daily basis and by pulling a credit report. You are entitled by federal law to one free credit report from the “big three agencies” each year. You may obtain those free reports at You may also obtain them directly from the three main credit reporting agencies listed below.
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
P.O. Box 2104
Allen, TX 75013
Trans Union
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19022
Obtaining and reviewing your credit report is a good first step in making an effort to identify your creditors. However, do not solely rely on the credit report, any statements, invoices or collection letters not on your credit report should be listed too. Even if you do not think you owe a creditor, err on listing them rather than not listing a potential creditor.
If you are a senior in need of financial relief from your debts, bankruptcy may be your solution. At Elder Needs Law, PLLC, nearly all we do is consumer asset protection, Medicaid Planning, Estate Planning, Probate and, of course, senior citizen bankruptcy. We protect assets from the government, nursing homes, spouses, family members, and creditors. Please consult with a bankruptcy professional that focuses their practice on the senior population. You have more options than you might think, and some options have hidden costs and fees you want to avoid. You owe it to your family to weigh all your options and to be fully informed with a plan of action in place. Please contact Elder Needs Law, PLLC at 305-614-7379 or look us up on the web at for more information on how the asset protection attorneys at Elder Needs Law, PLLC can help you and your family.